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The Association



Article #1         This organization shall be known as Old Orchard Beach Alumni Association.

Article #2         The officers shall be President; Vice-President; Recording Secretary;

                        Corresponding Secretary; Treasurer; and Co-Historians.  The Executive Committee shall consist of seven (7) elected officers, the immediate Past President, and Class Agents.  The officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting and shall assume their duties upon election and/or appointment.

Article #3         Duties of the Officers:

 PRESIDENT-The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee.  He/she shall appoint all committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee.

VICE-PRESIDENT-The Vice-President shall assume all the duties of the President in the absence of that officer.  He/she will be chair of the Membership Committee, work with the Class Agents, and aid the Corresponding Secretary.

RECORDING SECRETARY-The Recording Secretary shall keep proper records of all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee; and shall notify the members of the Executive Committee of the Committee meetings.

CORRESPONDING SECRETARY-The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for all Alumni correspondence including mailing notices of the Annual Meeting and keeping Alumni contact information accurate and up to date.  The Corresponding Secretary shall work with the Vice-President and Class Agents prior to the Annual Meeting to generate interest in the Annual Meeting with special interest placed on the 25 and 50 year classes. He/she shall be in charge of the acceptance of reunion reservations.

TREASURER-The Treasurer shall attend to collection of dues, take charge of all funds and pay bills as approved by the Executive Committee; shall be in charge of the acceptance of Scholarship donations; and shall make a written report of the finances to be presented at the Annual Meeting.

C0-HISTORIANS-The Co-Historians shall be responsible for compiling a list of the Alumni who have passed away since the previous Annual Meeting and shall present said report at the Annual Meeting, and shall supply a copy to the Corresponding Secretary.  The Co-Historians shall also be responsible for the organization and display of the memorabilia of the Alumni Association.  A temporary display shall be at each Annual Meeting.

CLASS AGENTS-The Class Agents from each class shall supply the Vice-President and the Corresponding Secretary with a list of class members and their addresses.  The Agents shall also help with mailings.

SPECIAL PROJECTS-The Special Projects Members shall be responsible for organizing fund raisers to benefit the Alumni Scholarship Fund and other projects of the Association.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-The Executive Committee where a vote is required shall not have the vote unless there is a majority of the executive officers present.  The Executive Committee shall also appoint a Nominating Committee of three (3) members who will be responsible for bringing a slate of officers for consideration at the Annual Meeting.  They shall also fill any office that may become vacant during the year.  The officers, who are elected, must attend six (6) out of the twelve (12) meetings to maintain the office.  The Annual Meeting/banquet counts as the twelfth (12) meeting for the year.

Article #4         The Annual Meeting and Reunion shall be held each year.  The time and the place to be determined by the Executive Committee.

Article #5         DUES-The annual dues of the Association shall be five dollars ($5.00) payable annually in advance on or before the Annual Meeting.

Article #6         MEMBERSHIP-Any person who has attended school in Old Orchard Beach or has been/is a teacher, staff member, or administrator in the O.O.B. school system, shall be eligible for membership in the O.O.B. Alumni Association.

Article #7         Any amendments to these Bylaws may be brought up at an Executive Committee meeting, voted upon, and then reconfirmed by the same committee no later than thirty (30) days from the first vote.  The revised Bylaws shall be kept on file with the President and the Recording Secretary.

Article #8         All former Bylaws are hereby repealed.

